Tuesday, 25 September 2007

the best all of you!

Here's the diary we all had been gone through.No matter where we are we will sing-alongs and shout out loud without concerning other people,and that unspoken feeling of knowing no ones will know.All the nights we stayed up talking non-stop and listening to all kinds of music and be particular about all those movies that we love and hate.We always hang out the places that we could have beers and talk big all nitez long.It's brings a smile to my face and I guessing everyone will do. These are the best days of our lives and the best day I ever had.However at the end the only matters is everyone will following their inner heart and chasing our own dreams.Eventually we'll finally get it right .

All the best to all members.
always Luv=hlian=

Monday, 24 September 2007

Tomorrow & tomorrow

I wanna believe you,
When you tell me that it'll be ok,
I try to believe you,
But I don't When you say that it's gonna be,
It always turns out to be a different way,
I try to believe you,but Not today
I don't know how I'll feel,
I don't know what to say,
tomorrow it's a different day,
It's always been up to you,
It's turning around,It's up to me,
I'm gonna do what I have to do,just don't Give me a little time,
Leave me alone a little while,Maybe it's not too late,not today,
I know I'm not ready, maybe
And I wanna believe you,When you tell me that it'll be ok,Yeah I try to believe you,
Neither today nor Tomorrow... it may change

Saturday, 22 September 2007


To all my hamsap guhon hardcore yao,thanks for that nite willing to attended my sang yat pa dei and many thanks for all of your birthday gifts ,love you all hell!Hope u guys enjoy the fabulous party on the night.=hl=

Thursday, 20 September 2007

aFtEr bAnGsAr ( tHe sChOoL )

tOo lEbIh
~~~3 dRuNk cAt~~~

2 sOhAiZzzZzzzzz

---===2 lEbIh yAo===---

sEe hLiaN gEh mOutH!!!!

LeBiH jEnE wAnNa eAt hOt dOg!!!!
lAsT nItE aFtEr oUr pArTy aT bAngSaR tHe sChOol, wE wEnT kUchAi lAmA fOoD cOuRt aNd dRinK aGaiN!!!!
bY : mR. DoNalD ( cHeEhOw )

Saturday, 15 September 2007

fAkE cArLsbErG bEeR!!!!

pLs cOmpArE bOtH bOtTlE!!!

lAsT sUndAy i wEnT sUnwAy pYrAmId wAtcH mOviE wIf mY sIS bUt wE cAn'T bUy mOvIe tIckEts cOz tHe mOvIe tHaT wE wIsH tO wAtcH aLrEadY sOlD oUt, sO tHaT wE cHanGe pLaN tO rAiNfOrEsT ( bEsIdE dOmE cAfE ). mY sIs's fReN kNoW tHe mAnAgEr aT rAinfOresT sO tHaT wE cAn gEt hApPy hOurS pRicE aLl nItE lOnG ( RM 65nett pEr bUckEt aNd pEr bUckEt hAvE 8 bOtTlE oF cArLsbErG!!! ).
aFtEr wE oRdEr tHe cArlSbErg bEeR tHen sErvEd bY tHe wAitReSs ( cHinA mOi lEi gEh ), sUddEnlY mY sIs sAiD wHy tHe bEeR liKe sO sWeeT onE...........sO tHaT eVerYonE bUsY tAsTinG tHeiR cArLsbErG bEeR.......eVeRYonE fEel tHaT thOsE cArLsbErg bEeR vErY wEirD aNd tAsTe bAd, sO tHaT wE aSk tHe mAnAgEr cOmE oUt aNd aSk hEr wHy tHosE cArLsbErg bEeR tHaT wE oRdEred tAsTe wEird......tHeN pLs gUesS whAt tHe mAnagEr sAid???
mAnagEr : oH, tHiS iS nEw lAunChed cArLsbErg bEeR aNd cArlsbErG fActOrY
uSe mInErAl wAtER tO pRodUcE tHosE nEw lAunChed caRlsbeRg

iF yOu dUn lIkE tHe tAstE oF nEw lAuncHeD cArLsbErg bEer, wE cAn
cHanGe fOr yOu!!!

sO tHaT wE aGrEE fOr iT, aNd wE sTaRt tO tHinK bAcK wHaT sHe hAd sAid, we sTarT tO aSk eAcH oThErs wHy jUsT tHis pLacE hAvE nEw lAuncHeD cArLsbErg bEeR aNd oThErs pLacE dUn hAvE??? wHy dUn hAvE aNy aDvErtIsemEnT oR eVeN a bAnNeR??? fAkE cARlsbErG bEeR???

bY : mR. dOnAlD ( cHeEhOw )

Tuesday, 4 September 2007


always like to Blame myself on what i have donE
always talk in a childish waY
always coach others no to do this or that but i am the one who won't start doin things that me myself should dO!
always think negativeness when things happenD
always wanna do the best but always Only know how to pretend but not work it ouT
always lie to own said "i'll do my best for tommorow,i won't do it again on what i have done todaY !
always want to be tough but still the same I can'T
always console myself give urself sometimes,days pass will show u what u shud dO
Sounds so funny hah,know it won't really happend but instead of finding what i really want,i spend time to just wait for the day to come for mE
always said hey u! u! u'r the best but i wish in one day i would said,"hey,u know wat,im the BEST!!
always wish this wish that..haih,really feel bored of myself..
By the way, what i really learned from myself is about "At the end of the day, No 1 will pity u b'coz u'r the one who choose to walk in this patH!