Saturday 30 June 2007


Do you know
each day gets more & more like 1st day
being half dead for new environment & new people
and the days feel like years when I'm alone
you make me cried again this time
Since you been gone,everything is not the same

Do you know
This may be a change to break out
Make a change,give a chance and break away
but this like watching myself die because of solitary

Do you know
as long as ur are alive and safe
i promise i will alw be there and care
U can run but cant escape my inner heart to care bout my ever best fren

Do you know
call to mind that the pic we took
I've never felt this way before
everything that u do reminds me of you
all i wanted to know that I'm safe lying next to u
remember that u said u will change,u lost again last nite
because of you my tears shed

Do you know
from the intention u acted till to the way u behave, i felt luv
It does rili worth my time and does not rack one's brain in vain
and it's sad cause all I've missed,i guess i was wrong in the past
like ten million ton's of needle prick into my heart
I'm sorry,i will try to be a good daughter
written by ffur


cashysteph said...

So touching... Understand how u feel! We must know how to appreciate things we have in m'sia. They are jus too lovely!!

Lovely 8 Po-es said...

uhh... zEro