Friday 17 August 2007


We party like a rock stars.... party like a rock stars... lol

waiting to go in ....

Mr.Donald was on Hol & he went to Maison

Joe & Peksan & their friend. *don't remember his name*

girls pic with ... dai ma or sai ma le??? i'm not sure haha

Pretty Wondney & Leng Lui wahahaha

that's our table.. imagine we share this table with the staffs there!

They're quite Drunk... I was still fine.

I'm damn good in this!!! I won't get drunk...
Joe, Peksan & Steph
this Manlye covered my pretty Tongue ~ lolz

The coolest boy & girl of that night! lolz

Pics uploaded by Dearest Stephy ~

p/s: leave comments on these post k!!! it's a must whoever doesn't leave their words pls watch out!


Anonymous said...

well done steph... im here to anounce this will be the "blog of the month"..!!

approve by "zEro".

Anonymous said...
