Monday, 2 July 2007

The CrUeLneSs

i'm so cruel cox i'm having such decision to leaving you
i'm so cruel cox i'm leaving you alone
i'm so cruel cox i'm letting you to accompany by the 4 walls
i'm so cruel cox i'm speechless when u have ask me those question
i'm so cruel cox I've letting myself 2get sick and makes u worried
i'm so cruel cox I've bring unhappiness
i'm so cruel cox I've being selfish
i know that i shouldn't said sorry but i felt sorry
cox i can't heard ur laughter anymore
i'm in dilemma~~LeBiH~~

1 comment:

Lovely 8 Po-es said...

hello LEBIH.. for sure this mess. not for the 8-poh, is it... GOD, diu..* zEro