Friday, 6 July 2007

tHe dAy yOu aLl wEnT aWaY......:(

lAsT nItE wAs tHuRsDay nItE.........nOrMalLy i wilL gO clUbBinG wIf 8-pOeS ( aNg kEaT lIaN, seEw aH mOi, lEbIh cYaO , p.sAn , bAnAnA sKiN aNd nEe nEe )......bUt NoW tHosE 8-pOeS aLrEaDy nOt aT KL...hAiz...sO sAd......

LaSt nItE aRoUnD 8 sOmeThinG, baNaNa caLleD mE uP aNd aSk mE gO MaisOn.....hE saId hIs brOthEr wIlL oPeN 2 bOtTlEs oF lIqUoR aNd sOmemoRe jUsY hAvE 4 pErsOnS gO ( iNcLudE mE )....aND bAnAnA sAiD i jUsT hAvE tO pAy RM50 is eNougH fOr 2 BottlEs....wOw....I aM sO haPPy.....BUT.....i dIn gO lAsT nItE!!!!

I cAn'T fEeL iT wIlL HaPpeNinG iF i gO mAisOn lAsT nItE wItHouT tHosE 8 pOeS.........fInaLlY i cHoOsE tO eAt sTeAmbOaT wIf nEe nEe aNd sZe yIn.......i mIsS tHosE tImE wE gO mAisOn tOgEtHeR , sInG K tOgEthER, eaT sTeaMbOaT oR bUfFeT tOgEthER, dRiNK bEeR tOgEthER aNd eTc.............

mY dEaR 8-pOeS......u aLl mUsT tAkE cArE aT cHinA.....aNd fAsTEr cOmE bAcK!!!!!!

FROM : Mr Lonely ( cHeEhOw )


Anonymous said...

Can truly feel that u are really lonely huh, haha.Hei we are guy leh, keep the lonely.Don't let those chicks in china know that.Ermmm i teach u a way, act like we having alot funz here even without them here.Let them jealous, and they can't tahan for long.Hahaha!!!

"Can this comment keep invisible??"

Lovely 8 Po-es said...

Wei next time tak payah susah payah write big small letters lahh Fatt hau....

Anonymous said...

i like to fatt hao one ma.....hahahahahahah
