Monday, 2 July 2007


What's Love?
How do you know when love strikes?
Or was it just good impression?
Do you know it after when you feel what pain has been caused?
Or was Love supposed to be beautiful forever in your eyes?
If it was Love, Do you fight for it?
Or you leave it for someone else to take over?
How do you know what's Love when you don't feel the agony?
A friend once told me that when you love something so much, you would fight for it no matter what. From what i see, it's different from what he said.


Lovely 8 Po-es said...

i know, i know... ehh, LOVE is CINTA...;O) ZeRo

Lovely 8 Po-es said...

Hahahaha yah Love is Cinta

Lovely 8 Po-es said...

err.. who's that reply on 20.59pm..?? zEro

Lovely 8 Po-es said...