Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Ang hui lian's twin sister

i was chatting with my old classmate...erh X-classmate from secondary skewl...and he found this pics which he really really mistaken her for hui lian and was needed to be re-confirm whether or not this is hui lian...What do u guys think?!?!

Is this hui lian?? Going behind our back n pretend to be Qawaii?? Or she is hui lian's long lost twin sister HAHAHAHAHA.......

Please the 2 pictures and send your comment's very important to not confuse ppl by saying tht 1st pic is ANG HUI LIAN....


1 comment:

Twenty Eight mummy said...

WTF!!she's definitely looks like ANG CHI BAI la...i'm wondering is that our hui lian in
CHINA VERSION~~~wahahahahahah