Wednesday 11 July 2007

Point for Attention!

i damn 9 piss off the China internet access..This makes me panic whenever i want to view our 8poes blog..cant view comment..ridiculous!
And the office are foul up the air with stick + armpit smell + sweat smell + rubbish smell + croach playing hide n seek, running around + rats are like cat size.. yee huu..

*one thing i have to highlight-the legend of the armpit things really does exist..hahaha..they do have a "fantastic" armpit..
Soon we will post our video to 8poes blog..
Ur will see Zoe Bf -Bao An "Lee Ming" keep watching..
Written by ffur


Anonymous said...

yeah......faster post ur video....then we can watch !!!
hahahaha.....i thought that ''bao ann '' is ur bf.....u exchange wif hui lian dy???....hahaha....

Anonymous said...

hahah.whuaa!so fast got bf jor la..quickly upload the video okay wannna watche it..

Anonymous said...

eww.. sick, feel like wanna throw out everything.. really sucks, oh my gdness..??