Sunday 8 July 2007

My Desktop is GONE!!!!

Stephy here

You know my desktop kena 'boom' this afternoon. It was raining heavily and I told my father not to on it in case kena 'boom'! Then he pandai pandai went On it and said it'll be fine, asked me not to worry so much! FINE.... so I let him be; I sat comfortably on the sofa and was about to watch some old VCD to kill time.

Things were fine for the first 5 minutes after he on the comp...

After 5 mins, at the 6th min.... I heard "pak pak"! I was like... Damn!!! computer screen went blackout! I looked at my father and asked him what had he done. He told me the sound came from the computer and...... .. &#$%*@! I was like... "tiu ni lo mo ge chow hai" (saying it in my heart of course), told u not to on it when it's raining. Didn't you know that...

I couldn't stand it at all. Gone Mad... So then I quickly munched on sweets to calm the anger! Or else I might lose control and start throwing things around my house!

See... told him and he didn't wanna listen to me! Now he gotta pay for the consequences! So many important things were in my comp. If it's all gone then he'll gotta pay more for it! I don't care what or how he pays me, in any form that I'm happy with. As long as I feel the satisfaction at the end of the day!!!!

Fuck it mahai... fucking bad day!

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