Sunday 15 July 2007


I went for Photography class this few weeks...i've learn how to hold the camera nicely hahah.. yea like finally..i haven't bought a new camera so i was borrowing my sis cam to do my first assignment that is taking still life!!it's not as easy as u think it takes like foever to find the right angle and all....the thing is i dun have a nice background at home so i have to set my own mini studio hhahaa..yes i set my own fucking mini studio in my own room...KENOT believe it eh...but of course xclude the lightings k..was using my room's light...Here's me first assignment.........
About this pic, i dunno man...this is some random shit..dun ask why with the whittered flowers..i just found em on the table and it jives with the liquor somehow haaha..

Sorry Bro,if you're watchin/reading this i had to borrow your police man to chill on the devil's horns..

Peeps, hate to tell u this but eum there's some techinical error ere i cant seem to upload the other pics...will upload it later..i mean the next slide if it lets me...OH those who readin plz drop some comment to let me knoe whether do i suck in photography OR not yea....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great, not bad.. nice try, keep it up i know u can do it babe..