Tuesday 6 November 2007

I got my new hairCUT

Hey all my babies out there (8 poh gang).. how's ur life? Everyone seems so busy huh~~
Above is my NEW haircut...hehehe,did it right after my exam..how how?am i cute? pretty? wanna kiss me? Did let my words feel like wanna slapping some1 or saying :"OMG!! pls la...it just normal ok! NOTHING SPECIAL!!Lebih!
If yes,hey you you you and you..faster settle up ur things there and flight back to kl or come out to yam cha cause i cant wait for the comment...wahhahahaha..Muaxxx..Miss u all~~

By lebih~~

1 comment:

Lovely 8 Po-es said...

tiger jene jene..ur hair not much changes wor.Why not u cut tiger/lion ge hairstyle wor??Wild,sexy and hot babe.For sure stand out from the crowd..ahaahaahehe