Sunday 25 November 2007

What an ecstatic night!!

First and foremost, i would like to congrats:

You look absolutely gorgeous that night

Your wedding dinner was splendid and sorry for not making it in the morning...may you have a blissfull marriage with mr. Jason Yong...

We're not grown ups yet...still making fuck faces even though it's a wedding event =D

Well, the guys r a lil boring and mature coz no fuck face hahaha....Chee how's eyes was looking at some boobies!! Not concerntrating at the camera..

A lil camwhore session with my brilliant camera in the WC..oh and mandy pretends to be some kelefeh at the back hahaha!!

We ended our night in Poppy...some drunk, some went home early, some sober and 217 was hit in by a Persona in Smart Tunnel that night...Didn't get to take pics of the car but oh well, everything went fine that night thank God no one's hurt..until next time i'll show you how 217 look like after it was hit OK...until then TATA!!


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